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undermount stainless steel sinks minneapolisundermount sinks create a clean and clutter free look to any kitchen, bathroom or bar. at apl fabricators & apl stone, we offer several different products that allow for the undermounting of sinks in any countertop surface, including laminate countertops, for the minneapolis and st. paul area. we carry a wide selection of sinks and faucets, including single and double bowl stainless steel sinks for undermounting in laminate countertops from top manufactures such as eclipse, lovello, counter-seal, karran and clarke.

for more information on the undermount sink options we offer, check out the links to the left where we've made links to the official sites and a few downloadable brochures available. also feel free to contact us at 651-438-2223 or stop by our showroom in hastings, minnesota to view some sample undermount sinks.

p.o. box 368 ?654 commerce drive ?hastings, mn 55033 ?651-438-2223 ?fax: 651-438-1199
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